Legal disclaimer

This legal disclaimer regulates the use of the Website service

1. Identifying data

In compliance with the law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (hereafter the LSSICE) the following information is set out as below:

  • Buisiness name: Indart3D S. Coop.
  • Tax ID number (CIF): F75236729
  • Domicile: Gabiria street, 88, 20305 Irún, Gipuzkoa
  • Telephone: 943 943 855
  • Email:

2. Description of

INDART3D makes this website available to internet users, with the aim as much to provide information on products or services offered by the company, as well as to allow the users to make any sort of consultation, suggestion or inscription via the means offered by the web.

3. Intellectual property

The information and contents included in this website, with regard to the source code, graphic design, images, software and texts, are protected by Spanish law regarding the intellectual and industrial property rights of INDART3D and prohibit the reproduction and/or publication, total or partial of the website, their computer processing, distribution, circulation, modification or transformation, and other legally recognised rights of the holder, without previous written permission.

All the derived intellectual property rights are expressly reserved by INDART3D. The user, only and exclusively, can use the material that appears on this website for private and personal use, prohibiting use for commercial gain or illicit purposes. All commercial names, brands or images of any kind contained in this website belong to their owners and are protected by law.

INDART3D will ensure compliance with the aforementioned conditions, for proper use of the contents presented on its website, exercising all the civil and criminal actions in which it is responsible for infringement or breach of these rights by the user.

4. Disclaimer of liability

INDART3D cannot be held responsible in any case for damages or harm of any kind, including without limitation, errors or omissions in the content, non-availability of the portal, or transmission of virus or malware in the content, in spite of having adopted all the necessary technological measures to avoid such occurrences.

For this purpose, therefore, formal numerical errors that can be found throughout the content of the various sections of the website resulting from faulty maintenance and / or update or incomplete information contained in these sections will not be regarded as deceptive advertising. INDART3D, as a result of the provisions of this paragraph, undertakes to correct any errors as soon as it becomes aware of said errors.

5. Modifications

INDART3D reserves the right, without prior notice, to make any modifications it deems appropriate and it may change, remove or increase both the content and the services provided through the site, as well as the way in which the contents and service are presented or located on its websites.

6. Links

Links are included in the web page of INDART3D on a purely informative basis, and in no case mean any suggestion, invitation or recommendation regarding the same.

7. Modification to these present conditions and duration

At any time, INDART3D canmodify the conditions specified here, duly publishing them as they are here published. Said conditions will be in effect during the time they are displayed and will be valid until they are modified by other duly published conditions.

8. Applied Legislation and competent jurisdiction

The relationship between INDART3D and the user will be controlled by Spanish law and its authorities alone shall be competent to decide on any controversy that may arise in the courts and tribunals of Guipúzcoa, unless the legislation applicable belongs to another jurisdiction.

9. User consent

The user declares that s/he understands and accepts the present general conditions, accepting unconditionally, all conditions in each and every one every time s/he accesses the website of or uses its services.